The zbedic window is divided into three regions: a toolbar, a
wordlist and a description box.
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dictionaries - toggles between two most recently used
dictionaries. You can find this action useful for bilingual dictionaries,
when you look up translations in both directions.
Show history pop-up for browsing recently viewed words.
dictionary - selects the current dictionary
Go back/forward one word. The same as the back/forward buttons in a web browser.
up selection - select a word in the description box, then press
this button to look up its translation or description.
- copies the text that is selected to the clipboard
- pastes from the clipboard to the input box
New entry
- add a new entry to the dictionary. See
Edit entry
- edit the displayed entry. See
Remove entry
- removes the displayed entry from the dictionary. See
Zoom in/out - enlarges or diminished text if a bigger/smaller size if available for the current font
keyboard - customize keyboard shortcuts
- shows the settings dialog box
Return to calling application - when zbedic
is invoked from other application, for example Opie/Qt Reader,
this button will hide zbedic and return to that
The control show the list of defined words that are lexicographically
after the word entered in the input box. The number of words shown can be
configured from the settings dialog box.
Description Box
This box shows the word description. If the text in the input box
matches an existing word, the description of that word is shown.
The Settings dialog box allows the user to configure zbedic. The
configuration parameters are:
Layout Tab
- Layout - place wordlist and description box either
horizontally or vertically. If 'Auto' is selected, the
orientation will be choosen based on the screen resolution of
the PDA
- List box size - size of the wordlist box. Smaller
wordlist box gives more space for description
- Tool bar - select tool buttons that should be
visible. When the button is hidden, the associated action is
still accessible via keyboard shortcut.
- Font - the font used in the application
Dictionaries Tab
- Dictionary list - select dictionary you want to remove or edit.
- Add - add existimg dictionary from a file. A new file
dialog will open. Note that only bedic dictionary files are
shown. If there is .hdic dictionary, no corresponding dictionary is shown (Zaurus version only).
- Remove - remove the dictionary from list of available
fictionaries in zbedic. Note that the file will not be
Create new editable
dictionary. See more.
- Properties - show / edit dictionary meta-data.
See more.
Misc Tab
- Words in list - number of words shown in the wordlist box
- Show pronounciation - for dictionaries that have pronounciation
defined, this checkbox defines whether to show it or not. If you
don't use a Unicode font that has the pronounciation symbols, you
may want to disable the pronounciation