Starting from zbedic 1.0 you can create your own dictionaries, which you can fill with all kind of content, from exotic languages to a cookbook. You can also edit existing dictionaries by adding missing words or correcting erroneous entries. Vboxmanage Ubuntu

Creating New Dictionaries

To create a new dictionary, go to Menu -> Settings -> Dictionaries and click on Create new. The name of a new dictionary must be specified. The other entries are optional. The dictionary name is displayed in the list of active dictionaries. To create the dictionary file in other directory, modify the file name. If the directory is missing, it will be created.

Viewing or Editing Dictionary Properties

To modify the meta-data of a dictionary, such as description, the email of a maintainer, and copyright, go to Menu -> Settings -> Dictionaries, select one of the dictionaries and click on Properties. The meta-data can be modified only for newly created (editable) dictionaries. The meta-data for non-editable dictionaries or the dictionaries converted to editable dictionaries can be only viewed.

 Creating New Entry

To create a new dictionary entry, enter a keyword in a word box, the same way as you would look up the word in a dictionary. If the keyword is not found, a New entry item in Menu -> Edit is enabled. To speed up access to this item, you can activate its icon in the toolbar or define a keyboard shortcut.

 Editing Entries

When an entry is displayed in the description box, click on Menu -> Edit -> Edit entry. The description will box will switch to an editor. Note that you are encouraged to follow
zbedic syntax for a dictionary entries. The editor shows a few buttons in the top: Cancel to cancel editing; pos (Part of Speach) to enter a new part of speach; mn (Meaning) to enter a new meaning of a word; ex (Example) to enter an example usage of a word; and finally Apply to save your changes. You can also press crtl+Enter to finish editing and save changes (works only on SL-Cx00).

 Removing Entries

When an entry is displayed in the description box, click on Menu -> Edit -> Remove entry. Entries in non-editable dictionaries cannot be removed. When a non-editable dictionary is converted into an editable dictionary, only edited or newly added entries can be removed.

Zbedic Syntax

You can enter descriptions of the keywords using plain text, HTML or zbedic syntax. Below follows an example entry for a word "book" that is given in zbedic syntax:
  {ss}a copy of a written work or composition that has been published (printed on pages bound together); {ex}I am reading a good book on economics{/ex}{/ss}
  {ss}arrange for and reserve in advance; {ex}reserve a seat on a flight{/ex}{/ss}
  {ss}record a charge in a police register; {ex}The policeman booked her when she tried to solicit a man{/ex}{/ss}
Since the word "book" can be used both as a noun and a verb, it has two part of speach items surrounded by {s} and {/s} tags. {ps}n{/ps} is the name of a part of speach, such as n for noun and v for verb. Even for a single part of speach, a word has usually several meanings, which are surrounded by {ss}{/ss} tags. To allow for better understanding, a meaning can be accompanied with an example, surrounded by {ex} {/ex} tags.

zbedic syntax tags can be entered using one of the buttons in the top row of the editor: pos - Part of Speach; mn - Meaning; ex - Example.

Other useful tags:

Types of Zbedic Dictionaries

Zbedic can handle three kinds of dictionaries: