List of zbedic dictionaries

This table should contain up-to-date list of dictionaries in zbedic format. Please report missing dictionaries or wrong entries to the zbedic Google group. A detailed instruction how to report new dictionaries is given below. Article about Linux and Oracle virtualization how to install Virtualbox in Ubuntu. And a very good English-Bulgarian Dictionary.

# Keyword language Description language Name Entries File size [Mb] Links Notes
1  English  Korean n/a 80,784 9.0 Download  Home  Source  Requires Unifont
2  Korean  English n/a 49,757 7.1 Download  Home  Source  Requires Unifont
3  Bulgarian  English n/a 41,526 2.2 Download 
4  English  Bulgarian n/a 46,790 2.9 Download 
5  Chinese  English n/a 23,482 0.4 Download 
6  Danish  English n/a 3,997 <0.1 Download 
7  English  Chinese n/a 177,746 2.9 Download 
8  Bulgarian Bulgarian & English n/a 88,316 5.1 Download 
9  English  Italian n/a 4,516 <0.1 Download 
10  English  Russian n/a 31,710 0.3 Download  Source 
11  English  Latin n/a 3,026 <0.1 Download 
12  German  Italian n/a 4,454 <0.1 Download 
13  Italian  English n/a 3,419 <0.1 Download 
14  Japanese  English n/a 100,015 1.6 Download 
15  Chinese  English CEDICT 52,274 1.0 Download 
16  Chinese  German Chinese-German Dictionary HanDeDict 187,538 5.3 Download  Home  Simplified Chinese
17  Chinese  German Chinese-German Dictionary HanDeDict 187,538 5.3 Download  Home  Traditional Chinese
18  English  Polish Collins/YDP 26,882 Download  Script only. Requires original dictionary files.
19  Polish  English Collins/YDP 27,253 Download  Script only. Requires original dictionary files.
20  Japanese  English EDICT Japanese Dictionary 217,776 Download  Home  Source  Keywords in both kana and kanji. Latin keywords in full-width characters (zenkaku).
21  English  English English Wikipedia Apr-2004 187.2 Download  Source 
22  English  English English Wikipedia Feb-2005 Download  Source  Same links are missing. Very large.
23  Esperanto  Russian Esperanto-Rusa Vortaro 62,659 <0.1 Download 
24  Esperanto  Russian Esperanto-Rusa Vortaro X-skribo 62,659 <0.1 Download  X-skribo
25  Esperanto  Russian Esperanto-Rusa-Esperanta vortareto 13,270 <0.1 Download 
26  English  Afrikaans FreeDict 5,556 <0.1 Download  Home 
27  English Arabic FreeDict 83,871 0.6 Download  Home 
28  English  Croatian FreeDict 59,194 1.0 Download  Home 
29  English  Czech FreeDict 81,479 1.2 Download  Home 
30  English  Dutch FreeDict 7,620 0.1 Download  Home 
31  English  French FreeDict 8,799 0.1 Download  Home 
32  English  Hungarian FreeDict 87,958 1.8 Download  Home 
33  English  Irish FreeDict 1,358 <0.1 Download  Home 
34  English  Italian FreeDict 4,119 <0.1 Download  Home 
35  English  Latin FreeDict 3,026 <0.1 Download  Home 
36  English  Portuguese FreeDict 11,300 0.1 Download  Home 
37  English  Romanian FreeDict 990 <0.1 Download  Home 
38  English  Russian FreeDict 1,693 <0.1 Download  Home 
39  English  Spanish FreeDict 5,010 <0.1 Download  Home 
40  English  Swahili FreeDict 1,345 <0.1 Download  Home 
41  English  Swedish FreeDict 4,869 <0.1 Download  Home 
42  English  Turkish FreeDict 34,406 1.6 Download  Home 
43  English  Welsh FreeDict 1,061 <0.1 Download  Home 
44  Afrikaans  English FreeDict 5,018 <0.1 Download  Home 
45  Afrikaans  German FreeDict 3,800 <0.1 Download  Home 
46  Croatian  English FreeDict 79,812 1.0 Download  Home 
47  Dutch  English FreeDict 22,747 0.3 Download  Home 
48  Dutch  French FreeDict 16,770 0.2 Download  Home 
49  Dutch  German FreeDict 17,224 0.3 Download  Home 
50  French  English FreeDict 7,831 0.1 Download  Home 
51  French  German FreeDict 6,114 0.1 Download  Home 
52  German  Dutch FreeDict 12,812 0.2 Download  Home 
53  German  English FreeDict 81,546 1.4 Download  Home 
54  German  French FreeDict 8,168 <0.1 Download  Home 
55  German  Italian FreeDict 4,454 <0.1 Download  Home 
56  German Kurdish FreeDict 10,821 0.1 Download  Home 
57  German  Portuguese FreeDict 8,742 0.1 Download  Home 
58  German  Turkish FreeDict 20,256 0.2 Download  Home 
59  Hungarian  English FreeDict 139,935 2.1 Download  Home 
60  Irish  English FreeDict 1,185 <0.1 Download  Home 
61  Italian  English FreeDict 3,271 <0.1 Download  Home 
62  Italian  German FreeDict 2,821 <0.1 Download  Home 
63 Khasi  English FreeDict 1,930 <0.1 Download  Home 
64 Khasi  German FreeDict 994 <0.1 Download  Home 
65 Kurdish  English FreeDict 2,891 <0.1 Download  Home 
66 Kurdish  German FreeDict 10,562 0.1 Download  Home 
67 Kurdish  Turkish FreeDict 15,592 0.1 Download  Home 
68 Kurdish  Turkish FreeDict 15,592 0.1 Download  Home 
69  Latin  English FreeDict 2,305 <0.1 Download  Home 
70  Latin  German FreeDict 1,749 <0.1 Download  Home 
71  Portuguese  English FreeDict 10,660 0.1 Download  Home 
72  Portuguese  German FreeDict 8,293 0.1 Download  Home 
73 Sorani Kurmanji FreeDict 6,279 0.1 Download  Home 
74  Swahili  English FreeDict 1,509 <0.1 Download  Home 
75  Swedish  English FreeDict 5,220 <0.1 Download  Home 
76  Turkish  English FreeDict 1,026 <0.1 Download  Home 
77  Turkish  German FreeDict 941 <0.1 Download  Home 
78  English  Thai FunThai 2,658 <0.1 Download 
79  Thai  English FunThai 2,235 <0.1 Download 
80  Thai  English FunThai (Romanised) 2,101 <0.1 Download  Romanised Thai
81  German  German German conjugation 183 <0.1 Download 
82  English  Thai Hope 37,020 1.9 Download 
83  English  English Image, Video Processing and Computer Vision Download  Home  Technical glossary
84  Korean  English Korean-English Dictionary 975 <0.1 Download 
85  Polish  German Langenscheids/YDP 38,231 Download  Script only. Requires original dictionary files.
86  German  Polish Langenscheids/YDP 42,556 Download  Script only. Requires original dictionary files.
87  Russian  Russian Large Soviet Encyclopedia/Russian dictionary 70,674 13.0 Download 
88  English  Thai Lex 54,492 2.1 Download 
89  Thai  English Lex 33,060 3.3 Download 
90  English  Greek MILADIC Home 
91  English  Russian Muller Russian dictionary 67,066 3.2 Download 
92  Russian  Russian Ozhegov Russian dictionary 38,962 2.4 Download 
93  Thai  English SEAsite 8,177 0.6 Download 
94  English  Thai Teach Yourself Thai 422 <0.1 Download 
95  Thai  English Teach Yourself Thai 427 <0.1 Download 
96  Esperanto  Russian Universala Vortaro de Esperanto 2,687 <0.1 Download 
97  English  English Wictionary English dump 46,654 6.2 Download  Home 
98  German  German Wictionary German dump 5,710 1.2 Download  Home 
99  English  English Wikibooks English dump 11,611 15.3 Download  Home 
100  German  German Wikibooks German dump 1,931 3.3 Download  Home 
101  German  German Wikipedia German dump Download  Home 
102  English  English WordNet 1.6 122,602 5.8 Download 

How to report new dictionaries or fix entries

The best place to report new dictionaries to be included in the above list or wrong entries is the zbedic Google group. To make my work easier, please use the xml template given below:

<name>Name of the dictionary</name>
<maintainer-mail>Dictionary Maintainer &lt;</maintainer-mail>
<notes>Any useful comments</notes>

<keyword-lang> and <description-lang> are obligatory. At least either of <source-url> or <download-url> must be also given. Remaining fields are optional but you should give as much information as possible.