Integration with QT/Opie-Reader

This section applies only to Zaurus version of zbedic. How to Enable Root login in Ubuntu

ZBEDic supports QCop interprocess messages. To setup QTReader to use zbedic for word lookup, go to Settings->Configuration->Locale and enter 'zbedic' as an application and 'find' as a message name. Additionally, on the Misc page check Dictionary item in the Select Action group.

Faster startup

This section applies only to Zaurus version of zbedic.

To speed up zbedic startup time, you can activate Fast load: long-press zbedic icon in Applications tab, then put a tick at Fast load. Note however that untill zbedic is selected as a Fast load application, it is still running. Therefore you can not uninstall the application or remove CF/SD card if there are any active dictionaries on that card.

Calling zbedic from other applications

This section applies only to Zaurus version of zbedic.

Some zbedic functions can be invoked from other applications using QCop messaging mechanism (Qtopia version only). You may be interested in this topic if you plan to integrate your application with zbedic or create self-installing dictionaries as IPK packages.

This is a list of available QCop messages in zbedic. Such messages can be used to perform a lookup of words from another applications or to add/remove dictionaries. For documentation of QCop mechanism, check:


Find word in the current dictionary.
parameters: word:QString
word - word to look up


Find word in the current dictionary.
parameters: dictionary:QString, word:QString
dictionary - name of the dictionary zbedic should switch to. This is
the names that is shown in dictionary list, not a file name.
word - word to look up


Add existing dictionary. Note that this is a quiet function and therefore zbedic's window will not be brough to the front and no message will be displayed. This message is intended to be used in installation scripts. Available in zbedic 1.1 and later.
parameters: fileName:QString
fileName - name of the dictionary file. Must be in one of the zbedic
recognized dictionary formats.

> qcop QPE/Applications/zbedic "addDictionary(QString)" /var/mnt/card/test.edic


Removes a dictionary from the list of available dictionaries. Note that this is a quiet function and therefore zbedic's window will not be brough to the front and no message will be displayed. This message is intended to be used in installation scripts. Available in zbedic 1.1 and later.
parameters: dictionary:QString
dictionary - name of the dictionary zbedic should switch to. This is
the names that is shown in dictionary list, not a file name.

> qcop QPE/Applications/zbedic "removeDictionary(QString)" "Test dictionary"